You're Not Here Blues
You're Not Here Blues
The song was inspired by losing my poodle Etta, who passed away October 2019 from a brain tumor. Due to the emotional nature of the project, I wanted to record it, but knew it would take time. Studio 330 in Sturgeon Bay was the perfect place to record. The holidays can be very difficult without a loved one, and I hope somehow sharing this song will help navigate the sadness. And maybe even put a smile on your face with a brief tongue in cheek lyric.
Proceeds from the download will go to help fund our Trip to Memphis in January 2022 to compete at the International Blues Challenge where we will be representing the State of Wisconsin and the Paramount Blues Association.
Friend Claudia says: A) it’s the season of giving B) it’s a great song that ends up being about a sweet kissy doggie….everyone loves a dog song C) anyone who loves you and hadn’t contributed to #roadtomemphis will be inspired to donate or purchase.
featuring Cathy Grier vocal/guitar, Tony Menzer bass, Jamey Clark drums and special guest Johnny Orlock harmonica
recorded at Studio 330 Sturgeon Bay, WI with Hans Christian engineer