Memphis Bound
Here's to Good Trouble in Memphis May 6-9th
International Blues Challenge time slots TBD
The Blues Foundation likes to keep things suspenseful, so we won't know what club on Beale Street, or at what time we will be playing until the day the Challenge begins May 6th. We will have guaranteed performances on Friday and Saturday night. We find out Saturday night if we advance to the semi-finals. Also on Saturday, we will be performing in the Women In Blues Showcase (see the poster above) from 12:20pm-12:30pm. With so many performing, each act only gets 10 minutes to show what makes us unique. I assure you, we got this!
Our Road To Memphis is 2 weeks away. It is such an honor to represent Wisconsin in the 2022 International Blues Challenge (IBC).
In order to pay for all our expenses, we look to you our dear fans, friends and supporters. It's a hefty price tag bringing 6 musicians and a roadie/driver for 5 nights in Memphis. Many of you have already given and we thank you.
We still need funds
Thank you for your support of any amount click the button below.
Or go directly to our website homepage and click
Support Button = Troublemakers Fuel
We gladly accept checks sent to CG Music Works PO Box 304 Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
If you're curious to see/hear the band,
here's my original song Dark Day IN Milwaukee that I cowrote the lyrics with James Grady
More videos can be found on our YouTube channel
Info, Videos, Music, Merch, Bios and more at
More up to date info from Memphis directly from the Blues Foundation
SETH TAYLOR has donated an art piece!!
If you love art, artist Seth Taylor has donated this amazing ink on rice paper entitled "Old Ways Gone" 13"x24" in support of our #RoadToMemphis. The artwork is being shown at SŌMI Gallery at 45 S. 3rd Ave. Sturgeon Bay, WI. The asking price is $550. And the art piece can be shipped anywhere.
As things are opening up a bit, we are beginning to have summer dates added to our calendar. We look forward to seeing you at some of our cool upcoming gigs.
My next newsletter will be to share our experience in Memphis.
Thank you for all the support you have given us.
Be Bluesy and safe,